DIY Cellular Controlled Hog Trap

This is an older post, and the 3G cell band I used for the camera is no longer available. I just thought I’d share it for posterity.

I made this hog trap as we had a big problem with invasive feral hogs damaging our property in East Texas. The components are simple and with a little bit of wiring, light welding using scrap metal and fence panels I got from Tractor Supply, and a cellular operated gate opener, the pen was finished. I explain the other materials in my video. I didn’t want to trap anything like deer or other animals that weren’t hogs so I rigged up a cellular camera as well so I would get picture alerts texted to me and could set the trap remotely. I spent about $200 not counting the scrap metal I already had. When you compare that to the thousands of dollars these kind of traps go for commercially it just made sense to build it myself.

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