Use Docker and Nicotine+ to build a righteous music archive

I love Funkwhale but the official upgrade docs are kind of a disorganized mess. Here is what you do to upgrade to 1.3.x (apparently you should skip 1.3.2 because of bugs).

Start by moving into /srv/funkwhale and updating postgres first:

docker compose exec -i postgres pg_dump -U postgres postgres > db_dump.sql
docker compose down
mv data/postgres data/postgres.bak
mkdir data/postgres
vi docker-compose.yml

Change the postgres version to postgres:15-alpine next to image: then save and close.

docker compose up -d
cat db_dump.sql | docker compose exec -T postgres psql -U postgres
docker compose down
export FUNKWHALE_VERSION=1.3.3 # latest version as of this writing
vi .env

Change Funkwhale version from 1.2.10 to 1.3.3

mv docker-compose.yml docker-compose.bak
source .env
curl -L -o /srv/funkwhale/docker-compose.yml "${FUNKWHALE_VERSION}/deploy/docker-compose.yml"
docker compose pull

If you get an error message about missing manifest for 1.2.10 check your .env file again and make sure Funkwhale version is 1.3.3 and run source .env again and pull

docker compose up -d
docker compose run --rm api funkwhale-manage migrate
rm -rf /srv/funkwhale/virtualenv

That’s it. Any questions just ask.

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